Combining Tzedakah with Tehillim for Eretz Yisroel
Our hearts and minds are constantly preoccupied with the safety and security of our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael. Everyone is looking to do something—anything!—to help.
Baruch Hashem, the Rebbe, gave us clear directives in such situations: as one large body, the spiritual behavior of one Jew directly impacts the physical welfare of every Jew, specifically those in Eretz Hakodesh.
In this vein, specifically during the Yom Kippur War in 5734, the Rebbe encouraged every Jew to increase their mivtzaim activities, specifically the mivtzas of Tefillin and giving tzedakah.
In another sichah, on 18 Elul 5745 (1985), that was subsequently edited by the Rebbe himself and printed in Likutei Sichos, the Rebbe suggested a powerful innovation: to pair together the twin powers of tzedakah and saying Tehillim.
Towards the conclusion of this sichah, the Rebbe used extraordinary language that possibly has no counterpart. In the Rebbe’s words: “May it be Hashem’s will that this heartfelt proposal (le’vavis ve’nafshis) coming from the core of the soul will be accepted gladly and will circulate everywhere.”
So, for the sake of our holy brothers and sisters in Eretz Hakodesh: let’s reinvigorate this mivtza!
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